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Terms of delivery

Natura Viva terms of delivery

These are Natura Viva(Business ID: FI06497660) terms of delivery. Delivery terms include, among other things, information about the online store's delivery terms and prices, return policy and payment methods.


1. Content

2. Natura Viva payment and cancellation terms for services

3. General

4. Delivery times

5. Delivery methods

6. Payment methods

7. Customer returns

8. Sales territory

Natura Viva payment and cancellation terms for services

Terms for Natura Viva’s events, tours, courses and over 24-hour equipment rentals and group rental reservations of over 5 rental gear.

Payment terms
The customer has an obligation to acquaint him/herself with the contents and conditions of the offered tour and report possible mistakes and inconsistencies to Natura Viva before payment. A mutual contractual obligation results from customer order or acceptance of Natura Viva’s offer. A binding contract is made, when the customer signs up for the event or reserves the rental equipment.

Cancellation terms
a) If the cancellation takes place more than 14 days before the event, we will try to find another time for the event. If this does not succeed, we charge 25 € / person for general costs.

b) If the cancellation takes place less than 14 days before the event, we charge the full price.

There is no reimbursement for unused services.

Equipment rentals, under 24 hours and under 5 rental gear

Payment terms
The customer has an obligation to acquaint him/herself with the contents and conditions of the offered tour and report possible mistakes and inconsistencies to Natura Viva before payment. A mutual contractual obligation results from customer order or acceptance of Natura Viva’s offer. A binding contract is made, when the customer reserves the rental equipment.

Cancellation terms
a) If the cancellation takes place more than 24 hours before the event, we will try to find another time for the event. If this does not succeed, we charge 10 â‚¬ for general costs.

b) If the cancellation takes place less than 24 hours before the event, we charge the full price.

c) If the Natura Viva staff decides, that it is not safe to pursue the activity in a safe manner (for example strong winds at sea), we reserve the right to cancel the reservation. In this case the we will try to find another time for the reservation or refund the whole price even if it is less than 24 hours before the start of the reservation. 

There is no reimbursement for unused services.

Drysuit rentals

These conditions apply to the rental of a drysuit and accessories. The accessories for the drysuit include neoprene gloves, -hood, and -footwear as well as carrying bag.

The customer renting the dry suit must be: 

  • legal age

  • able to swim, min. 50 metres.

Terms of payment
It is the customer's responsibility to read the description, instructions and terms and conditions of the rental before making the rent.

The contract is concluded when the customer pays for the rental equipment.

Use of the drysuit and accessories 
It is the customer's responsibility to check the drysuit and to point out the state of the drysuit before starting the rental.

The customer is responsible to follow the instructions for use and to return the dry suit rinsed and dried in accordance with the instructions given.

Damage compensation
If, after the rental period, the dry suit is damaged, untidy, etc., the customer is responsible for the cost of repair and/or laundering, or agrees to redeem the dry suit after the rental period. 

Repair and/or washing costs and Freight costs are €59 - €700 incl. VAT.

The redemption price of the dry suit is 1090€.

Cancellation policy
a) If the rental is cancelled at least 24 hours before the start of the rental, we will try to find a new time. If new time cannot be found, we will charge 10 €/rental equipment as an office fee. The new agreed time cannot be cancelled.

b) If cancellation is made less than 24 hours before the start of the booking, we will charge the full price of the booking as a cancellation fee.

c) If the equipment rental cannot be carried out due to the decision of the staff of Natura Viva, the reservation can be moved to another time or canceled free of charge even less than 24 hours before the start of the reservation.

No refunds will be made for unused services.

Natura Viva's right to cancel the rental
Natura Viva can refuse to rent a drysuit due to inappropriate use, safety reasons or due to an unforeseen and insurmountable obstacle.

The customer who has made the reservation will be informed of the cancellation without delay.

The customer will then be entitled to a full refund of the rent paid.

Terms of rental, the sauna & premises


  • The customer / person booking the sauna & premises is responsible of getting acquainted with the rental space description and guidelines & terms of rental

  • The booking is binding, when the booking/reservation confirmation has been sent to the e-mail address provided by the customer / person booking the sauna & premises

  • The customer / person booking the sauna & premises is to be pay the booking / reservation by a payment method chosen by him/her. The terms of the payment are to be complied with.

  • The reservation system will send a booking/payment confirmation to the e-mail address provided by the customer / person booking the sauna & premises.

  • The customer / person booking the sauna & premises will have to be of legal age (18 or older in Finland).

The sauna & premises can be booked for 2 or 5 hours. If the reservation expires outside the premises’s opening hours, the customer / person booking the sauna & premises is responsible of leaving within the reservation time limit and locking all the premises accordingly.

The customer / person booking the sauna & premises is responsible for the cleanliness of all the premises when leaving. All the premises are to be in the same state of tidiness as when entering the premises. When bringing own food and/or drinks, the customer / person booking the sauna & premises has to take care of throwing all trash in the trash bin and placing empty drink containers in the deposit containers. When leaving the sauna & premises, all doors have to be locked accordingly.

If the customer / person booking the sauna & premises fails to leave the premises within the reservation time-frame, Natura Viva holds the right of double billing the customer / person booking the sauna & premises.

Terms of cancellation

  • If the booking is cancelled at least 14 days before the start of the reservation, Natura Viva will do its best to reschedule the booking. If a new time-frame for the booking can not be found, a cancellation fee of 50 % of the original booking fee will be invoiced from the customer / person booking the sauna & premises.

  • If the booking is cancelled less than 14 days before the start of the reservation, the cancellation fee of 100 % of the original booking fee will be invoiced from the customer / person booking the sauna & premises.

  • There will be no reimbursements of services left unused by the customer / person booking the sauna & premises.

Natura Viva holds the right of canceling the booking when

  • A force majeure event occurs. When this occurs, the customer / person booking the sauna & premises will be made aware of the event as soon as possible.

  • In a force majeure event the customer / person booking the sauna & premises will be reimbursed the full payment of the reservation/booking

  • The other potential costs derived to the customer / person booking the sauna & premises from the cancellation will not be reimbursed.


  • The premises will be unlocked by Natura Viva.

  • When the booking expires outside opening hours of the premises, the customer / person booking the sauna & premises will be responsible of locking all the premises, returning the key to Natura Viva and leaving the premises within the reservation time-frame.

  • When the key is lost or not returned, Natura Viva holds the right to invoice the customer / person booking the sauna & premises all the costs associated with the loss of the key (changing the locks etc.), minimum of but not limited to 60 €.

  • Natura Viva holds the right to invoice the customer / person booking the sauna & premises 60 € in the event of the premises being have to be unlocked and opened because of the loss or the leaving inside of the key.

The usage of the sauna & premises

  • The sauna & premises have been described in the premises description.

  • The customer / person booking the sauna & premises is entitled to use the premises and the equipment and additional, separately agreed services.

  • In case the customer / person booking the sauna & premises observes deficiencies or has a complaint to be made, contact with the reservation agency needs to be made immediately.

  • The customer / person booking the sauna & premises is responsible for the cleanliness of all the premises during and at the end of the booking.

  • If all the premises have not been tidied properly and the uncleanliness is the consequence of the actions of the customer / person booking the sauna & premises, the cleaning fee will be fully invoiced by Natura Viva from the customer / person booking the sauna premises.


  • Pets are not allowed to enter or to be taken with to the sauna & premises.

Compensation / liabilty of damages

  • The customer / person booking the sauna & premises is liable to compensate all damages to the property caused by his/her actions to Natura Viva.

  • The customer / person booking the sauna & premises is responsible of all guests entering the sauna & premises and potential damages they might inflict during the reservation period.

  • Natura Viva will not reimburse potential costs, drawbacks or discomfort caused by nature or natural phenomenon, such as insects, animals or weather.

Terms of rental, accommodation services

Reservation management: Natura Viva Oy ((ID: FI0649766,, tel. +358 10 292 4030)

General terms of accommodation


  • The customer / person booking the premises is responsible of getting acquainted with the rental premises description and guidelines & terms of rental

  • The booking is binding, when the booking/reservation confirmation has been sent to the e-mail address provided by the customer / person booking the premises

  • The customer / person booking the premises is to be pay the booking / reservation by a payment method chosen by him/her. The terms of the payment are to be complied with.

  • The reservation system will send a booking/payment confirmation to the e-mail address provided by the customer / person booking the premises.

  • Natura Viva are not responsible of an unsuccessful reservation. In this instance the customer must contact Natura Viva immediately in order for the error to be fixed.

  • In the case of an unsuccessful booking attempt there can be no guarantee given by Natura Viva/Tervarumpu, that the premises are still available once the error has been corrected.

  • In this case the customer / person booking the premises will be reimbursed or new accommodation premises will be suggested

Terms of cancellation / rescheduling the reservation

  • Booking modification and cancellation

    • All modifications and cancellations must be done through online form: Cancellation form

    • Cancellation date is the date when Tervarumpu has received the cancellation via cancellation form. Cancellation will be processed as soon as possible, but no more than within 4 four weeks from cancellation request.

    • The customer is responsible of sending the cancellation on time.

  • If the booking is cancelled at least 30 days before the start of the reservation, a cancellation fee of 25 € will be invoiced from the customer / person booking the premises.

  • If the booking is cancelled less than 30 days but at least 14 days before the start of the reservation, a cancellation fee of 50 % of the original booking fee will be invoiced from the customer / person booking the premises.

  • If the booking is cancelled less than 14 days before the start of the reservation, a cancellation fee of 100 % of the original booking fee will be invoiced from the customer / person booking the premises.

  • When booking and paying the premises with a discount code, 100 % of the booking fee will be invoiced from the customer / person booking the premises, regardless of the cancellation date. The following terms stand, when the customer / person booking the premises wishes to reschedule the reservation:              

    • The rescheduling can only be done once

    • The rescheduling must take place at least 30 days before the original reservation start-date.

    • The rescheduling fee of 25 € will be invoiced from the customer / person booking the premises.

    • If a rescheduled booking is cancelled, a cancellation fee of 100 % of the original booking fee will be invoiced from the customer / person booking the premises, regardless of the cancellation date.

Natura Viva hold the right of cancelling the booking, when

  • A force majeure event occurs. When this occurs, the customer / person booking the premises will be made aware of the event as soon as possible.

  • In a force majeure event the customer / person booking the premises will be reimbursed the full payment of the reservation/booking.

  • The other potential costs derived to the customer / person booking the premises from the cancellation will not be reimbursed.


  • Instructions concerning the keys will be provided via a separate message.

  • The key will be found in the premises in a smart box.               

  • The customer / person booking the premises will be sent an e-mail and an SMS to the e-mail address and mobile phone number provided by the customer / person booking the premises before the start of the reservation, containing a personal PIN code as well as opening instructions to the smart box. The PIN code is used in opening the smart box.

  • A PIN code will only be created and provided to payed and valid bookings.

  • It is the customers / persons booking the premises responsibility to return the key to the smart box.

  • When the key is lost or not returned to the smart box, Natura Viva/Tervarumpu holds the right to invoice the customer / person booking the premises all the costs associated with the loss of the key (changing the locks etc.), minimum of but not limited to 60 €.

  • Natura Viva holds the right to invoice the customer / person booking the premises 60 € in the event of the premises being have to be unlocked and opened because of the loss or the leaving inside of the key.

The usage of the premises

  • The premises have been described in the premises description.

  • The customer / person booking the premises is entitled to use the premises within the reservation period.

  • The customer / person booking the premises is entitled to use the premises and the equipment and additional, separately agreed services.

  • In case the customer / person booking the premises observes deficiencies or has a complaint to be made, contact with the reservation agency needs to be made immediately.

  • The customer / person booking the premises is responsible of the cleanliness of the premises and of taking out the trash within and in the end of the reservation period.

  • The customer / person booking the premises is responsible of carrying out a full-scale house cleaning of the premises before the booking expires.

  • If the premises have not been properly cleaned, the customer will be invoiced all cleaning costs. (Cleaning work 62 € / hour; travel expenses 0,87 € / km; travel time is included in the working hours. Minimum charge: 4 hours.)                     


  • The customer / person booking the premises claims full responsibility of pets brought to the premises and the potential damages they inflict.

  • All pets must be kept on leash within the Nuuksio National Park.

  • It is not allowed to leave pets on the premises unattended.

  • When bringing pets with, the customer / person booking the premises must take extra precautions concerning the cleanliness of the premises. The premises will always be inspected by Natura Viva/Tervarumpu staff once a pet has been present on the premises.

  • When pets are allowed on the premises, this will always be written down in the general terms.

  • Pet owners must comply to potential, separately instructed terms and guidelines.

Compensation / iiabilty of damages

  • The customer / person booking the premises is liable to compensate all damages to the property caused by his/her actions to Natura Viva.

  • The customer / person booking the premises is responsible of all guests entering the premises and potential damages they might inflict during the reservation period.

  • Natura Viva will not reimburse potential costs, drawbacks or discomfort caused by nature or natural phenomenon, such as insects, animals or weather.

Complaints and reclamations

  • Potential complaints must always be laid as soon as once a topic or problem arises.

  • If a satisfactory resolution can not be reached or if a complaint includes a refund claim. the complaint must be laid textually within 30 days after the end-date of the reservation.

  • The complaints will be processed by Natura Viva as soon as possible, at most within 30 days.

  • If a satisfactory resolution between the customer / person booking the premises and Natura Viva can not be reached, the customer / person booking the premises has the right to make the issue a matter of the Finnish consumer disputes board.


All the prices include VAT (10 %, 14% or 24%) and the prices are given in euros (€), unless otherwise mentioned.

We reserve the right to cancel the purchase or amend the price if the product ordered or the price is not in accordance with market price due to, for example, technical or human error in the online store.

We reserve the right to change the prices, terms and conditions. The customer accepts these delivery terms when placing the order.

Delivery times

As we only offer services in our online store, each service is delivered during the time specified in the product. To change the time of the purchased service, look at 1.

Delivery methods

As we only offer services in our online store, each service is delivered during the time specified in the product. To change the time of the purchased service, look at 1.

There are no added delivery costs to the services.

Payment methods

The following payment methods can be used to pay online store orders. In connection with each payment method you can see the possible additional cost for the payment method in question. We reserve the products for unpayed orders for max. 14 days after which the products are released and can be purchased by anyone.

Some of the payment methods may require registering to Natura Viva or to a third party customer register. External service provider's terms of use can be found from each service providers' own website.

Bambora PayForm (Paybyway Oy, business-id FI24865594) is the payment facilitator of the online shop. The Paybyway Oy is a payment facilitator authorized by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Finland. The payment process is conducted in the online service of the Bambora. Bambora or Paybyway Oy is shown as the payment received in the bank account listing and in the invoice. Paying with Bambora is safe. All information is exchanged through secured connections.

The trade happens between the online customer and the online shop. The online shop is responsible for all obligations related to the trade.

Read more about Bambora:

Payment methods

With Bambora PayForm you can pay your order by an internet banking account, a payment card (credit/debit), an invoice or a partial payment. The following methods of payment are supported: Osuuspankki, Nordea, Danske Bank, Oma Säästöpankki, Säästöpankki, Aktia, Paikallisosuuspankit, S-Pankki, Handelsbanken, Ålandsbanken, Visa-, Visa Debit-, Visa Electron-, MasterCard- and Debit MasterCard payment cards, Jousto, Everyday and Euroloan.

Jousto: With Jousto invoice and part-payment you can pay in over 4000 online shop in Finland. With Jousto invoice, you get 14 days payment time (invoice fee 4,90 eur). With Jousto part-payment, you get max 12 months payment time (invoice fee 4,90 eur and monthly interest rate 2,42%). More information:

Everyday: Everyday credit limit is at least 300 eur. Pay with one transaction by the end of next month (no extra fees) or with monthly payments. Minimum sum per monthly payment is 1/5 of the total sum of the bill. After the due date, 5% monthly interest rate is added. Annualized percentage rate for typical 500 eur credit is 48,52 %. More information:

Euroloan: Euroloan Consumer Finance Oyj (2159120-9) is a Finnish financing institution operating since 2007. Euroloan invoice and part-payment is available to over 20 years old consumers having a permanent address in Finland. The payment method is enabled for payments from 10 to 2000 eur. The part-payment is invoiced every 30 days. For example, annualized percentage rate for a 1500 eur credit is 26,1 % when the payment term is 12 months. The total price is 1697,15 eur (incl. interest rate 6 %, invoicing fee 3,95 eur/month, opening fee from 3 eur).

Euroloan Consumer Finance Oyj reserves a right to review the credibility and the address information of consumers using Euroloan invoice or part-payment. The consumer is also requested the provide the personal id number. The credit is approved or declined based on this review. The order is delivered only to the address registered to the Population Register of Finland. More information:

Contact Bambora PayForm

Bambora PayForm, Paybyway Oy (business-id FI24865594)
Telephone: +358 29 300 5050 (workdays 9-16)
Address: Laserkatu 6, 53850 Lappeenranta, Finland


Customer returns

Look at our payment and cancellation terms (1.)

Sales territory

Our services such as kayak tours and courses can be ordered worldwide.


Terms have been updates at 26.9.2019

Natura Viva

+358 10 292 4030
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