Visit Nuuksio hiking routes and beautiful Finnish nature
Book Haukanpesä sauna in Nuuksio National Park!
Nestled in the middle of Nuuksio National Park, but only a short walk from the nearby parking area - Haukanpesä self-service sauna is open every day. The electric sauna is easy to use and well-suited for relaxation after day hikes in the national park. Store your snacks and beverages in the fridge and enjoy them after the sauna experience.
Be sure to bring your swimming gear since the Haukkalampi pond is just outside the sauna door!
Haukanpesä sauna - at the junction of most popular Nuuksio hiking routes
Haukanpesä sauna is situated on the starting point of three most popular Nuuksio hiking trails:
Punarinnankierros (2 km)
Haukankierros (4 km)
Korpinkierros (7,2 km)
All the hiking trails provide beautiful scenery and varying terrain for your visit in Nuuksio National Park. Haukanpesä sauna is the perfect way to relax after a day in the woods.
Haukanpesä sauna - A living room for nature lovers
Haukanpesä sauna can be reserved for 2-4 hours and the facilities make it suitable for larger groups and company meetings. The fireplace room includes a sofa, large table and chairs for 12 people. Six people can relax in the steams simultaneously.
Other amenities
Fridge for your beverages
A large TV screen for meetings and presentations
Air-source heat pump
Easy to book - Easy to use!
Haukanpesä sauna can be booked by clicking the calendar - choose the preffered date, time and duration. After making the reservation you will receive all needed information. Our customer service is happy to help in case of problems.
Additional information:
Haukanpesä sauna - Haukkalammentie 32, 02820 Espoo
Open for 2hr / 4hr reservations
Price includes 6 people - additional visitors 10€ / person
Swimming possible outside the winter season
Self-service electric sauna
Facilitates company events & other meetings
Combine the sauna experience with a Guided Tour in Nuuksio!
Haukkalammentie 32, 02820 Espoo

+358 10 292 4030
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