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Buy a gift voucher of the value you want!

Buy a gift voucher of the value you want!
Price €0.00 / pcs

Gift vouchers for nature - Natura Viva's gift voucher is an outdoor enthusiast's gift of choice.!

The Natura Viva gift card is a great gift idea. The gift recipient can book outdoor activities, accommodation, guided tours and courses, or even a season pass, which enables year-round, self-guided outdoor activities in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and elsewhere in Southern Finland.

This product allows you to give the gift recipient a gift card of the exact value you want. Here are some tips on different gift ideas:

In addition to these examples, the gift recipient can choose the experience of their choice from the entire Natura Viva range. We offer a wide range of outdoor experiences in several destinations in Southern Finland. The gift voucher can be used for equipment rental, season passes, excursions and courses, as well as accommodation services.

Unused sports vouchers

Do you have unused sports vouchers that you can't think of a use for right now? You can buy this gift card directly from the online shop with Smartum and Epassi - you'll get an extra year of use out of your sports vouchers. We also accept Edenred and EazyBreak mobility vouchers - in these cases, please contact

  • Gift vouchers purchased with sports vouchers are for personal use only.

  • Gift vouchers purchased with sports vouchers cannot be used to purchase accommodation or café services.

For more information, please visit

  • The gift voucher is a 12-digit code that can be used to pay for services both online and in our branches.

  • When you purchase a gift voucher, you will receive an email with a voucher pad where you can write your greetings and a code to purchase services.

The gift voucher is valid for one year from the date of purchase.

Natura Viva

+358 10 292 4030
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